Take Me Down to Asteroid City — Also, Indiana Jones Rides Again

You could scrape the titles off the front of 'Asteroid City' and still peg it as a Wes Anderson joint. At this point, only a newbie could fail to i...

July 5, 2023
11:36 PM

You could scrape the titles off the front of 'Asteroid City' and still peg it as a Wes Anderson joint. At this point, only a newbie could fail to identify Anderson's tropes, fetishes and signature camera moves. Throw 20+ A-list actors into a confined, defined space, in this case, a retro 50's amusement park-tourist trap somewhere in the American Southwest in the middle of the 20 th century. The occasion is a 'Junior Stargazers' festival, but whether the people assembled made plans to be here or are trapped doesn't seem to matter.

Bryan Vancampen